Friday 29 September 2017

60 final fantasy explorers - enjoying snowy mountain views, online co-op with joseph and nova

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 433 White Mage, Nova was EL 213 Knight and I was EL 167 Knight.

Quest 1: "Taking On A God"

6 star, Therion. I'm still not a pro at even surviving Therion yet. It puts out too many status effects. On the other hand, I wasn't Deflecting. We defeated it anyway :)

Quest 2: "Eternal Firebird"

10 star, aberrant Phoenix. We beat it handily. On the way there, I thought a Flan Princess had been summoned so I was looking for it and was delayed on the way to the fight. Didn't find it unfortunately but we won the fight.

Quest 3: "Her Flanjesty"

Had to get a delicious flan quest in :) though the Flans in Final Fantasy don't look particularly appetising. Got my Goblin up to LV47 as well.

Quest 4: "Icebrand Slashes Like The Wind"

10 star, aberrant Fenrir. One funny thing that happened during this battle is that I got KO'd just as it was ending, so I came back to life without even hitting the ground :P

Quest 5: "Sovereign Of The Skies"

4 star, Bahamut. Along the way I stopped to admire the view. Very snowy and misty mountains and the view was really nice. Joe joined me for a moment and took a screenshot. I'd like that YouTube series "Boundary Break" to cover Final Fantasy Explorers. It's a good show. Anyway Joe wanted to encase Bahamut and all three of us encased him at the same time :)

Quest 6: "Gilgamesh's Debut!"

6 star, Gilgamesh. I thought we'd do something different :) We got him down to near defeat and he escaped to a different part of the map! We had to run all the way there to finish him off. Nova was far ahead of us and finished him off before we got into that area, so we couldn't cross in there as the mission was now complete. Ah well. We won anyway :)

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