Wednesday 20 September 2017

45 kirby planet robobot - all 200 stickers collected!, meta knightmare through sea and ice cream

Dear Readers,

With level 3, my Meta Knightmare trial slowly took me away from civilisation and into the elements with exposure to sea and ice creams.

I started out at the dockside. It was pretty cool to right away be able to smack the annoying octopuses that shoot ink at me.

Then it was emerging from the water to take on the screw building. The idea of seeing Meta Knight emerging from the water to kick butt is cool and intimidating :) This was the autoscrolling building but Meta Knight has no worry about losing the Master Sword, so I was never in too much trouble.

Giant ice cream fridge next. Seeing Meta Knight here reminds me of Zool with all that Chupa Chups product placement. No company sells giant toppling ice cream cones though, unfortunately! I learned that I can use the charged up whirling blade move to break fire blocks.

After the checkpoint it was on to the deep water Atlantis-like section. The robo sharks I couldn't smash up unfortunately.

After the remixed section it was on to face Susie 2.0! There was no cut scene or dialogue or anything this time though. The pause screen reveals her full name as well, her surname being Haltmann. Nice bit of extra lore there :) After beating her that was the level!

I collected my 200th new sticker, Manga Bandana Waddle Dee from Kirby Planet Robobot. My sticker collection is now 100% complete! Woo! I got a little message of congratulations and the Sticker Room got new music and looks more sparkly. On the menu the Sticker Room icon and the Story Mode icon got little star emblems on them, showing they were now 100% complete. Very happy I have all the stickers now :)

My save file is still 80% complete, so it's on to continue the next level of Meta Knightmare. My current record for level 3 is 24:02.35. Still behind StreetPassers times!

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