Tuesday 5 September 2017

52 final fantasy explorers - unlocking vaan of FFXII, online co-op with joseph and nova

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 347 Beastmaster, Nova was EL199 Knight and I was EL 152 Monk

Quest 1: "The Battle-God Before You"

9 star Odin. I missed the boat (or airship in this case) on this one. They came back soon though and we banded together again.

Quest 2: "Three Wolf Moon"

7 star aberrant Fenrir. On this one I ended up disconnecting. Had to reconnect and do the quest again.

We eventually got to finish the quest. I was looking for Lunatic Pendulum drops but didn't get any this time. Ah well. One cool thing we saw was that it was defeated just in time for the newly created clones to see it falling over and they immediately vanished out of despair :P

Quest 3: "Divination 101"

6 star, defeat 3 Cockatrices. This made for a nice change! Can't be fighting eidolons all the time :) So it was a nice short quest.

Quest 4: "Icebrand Slashes Like The Wind"

10 star, aberrant Fenrir. Another attempt to acquire Lunatic Pendulums and Joseph was looking for them too. We were trying to figure out which part of Fenrir to target in order to make the drop happen. We got one Lunatic Pendulum, which was great, but we didn't know exactly how we did it. I need one more for crafting. Joe said he needs 4!

Quest 5: "Divination 101"

6 star, defeat 3 Cockatrices. Not sure why Nova was picking this one but it's still a nice break from hunting eidolons :) this time the quest took longer for some reason but we did it :)

Quest 6: "Taking On A God"

6 star, Therion. I picked this one because I'm also looking for Verdant Geocrux drops. We defeated it but didn't get the drop I was looking for.

Quest 7: "The Battle-God Before You"

9 star, Odin. We were all looking for Sword Schema drops at this stage! They're so rare though and we didn't get any this time. The notebook says they can be obtained from mastery trials for jobs that use swords. May have to change jobs to have more luck. Nova suggested Knight so there's an option.

Back in town I decided to try and unlock Magicites I hadn't unlocked yet. Vaan from Final Fantasy XII is unlocked by crafting 50 different items and I hadn't done that yet. After crafting a bunch of accessories I finally unlocked him and also got a Sword Of Kings schematic and Vaan's Attire.

I do very little crafting normally! I should try and make some Monk specific gear. I will have to do the mastery trial a couple of more times though.

Quest 8: "Purging The Sins Of Humankind"

7 star Amaterasu. Decent battle but no drops we were looking for.

Quest 9: "The Battle-God Before You"

9 star, Odin. I wanted to try out my new Vaan Magicite :) It's nice enough and deals a good bunch of damage with his special attack. I had no idea who Vaan was by his name but now I see he's the Final Fantasy XII guy. Didn't get any Sword Schemas but got tons of Ireful equipment drops.

After this I looked into unlocking my last remaining Magicite. It was Bartz and he's unlocked by getting a monster to level 50. I hadn't done any business with the Monster Lab yet so I got started on levelling up a Goblin by fusing it with all the other monster souls I had acquired so far in the game. The girl working there sounds like Dr Frankenstein or something with her maniacal voice!

It takes ages! Especially when you can only fuse one soul at a time. I managed to get the Goblin up to level 40.

Quest 10: "Destroy The Sacred Defender"

Alexander, 9 star. Took a nice break from all that work in the Monster Lab. At one point I got the sleep status effect inflicted on me. I don't remember that ever happening before in this game! It was kinda weird. We went on to defeat Alexander anyway.

After this we decided to go hunting Flan Princesses. Their souls give lots of experience in the Monster Lab :)

Quest 11: "Her Flanjesty"

6 star. Nice to see there's a specific quest that has defeating a Flan Princess as its goal :) Joe said he'd help me with hunting Flan Princesses with his Beastmaster Tame move, which guarantees a soul drop.

We had to get her HP down low without defeating her and then let Joe do his move. It's kinda like Pokémon! I wish it was more like Dragon Quest V where monsters ask to join your party when you defeat them.

On the first take we failed, defeating her before Joe got a chance to tame.

On the second take we did it and I got a nice soul to use for fusing monsters :) need many more though!

We did a third take but failed here as well.

Then we did a fourth take and found success again! A Medusa got in the way of the Tame move and her soul dropped as well. Bonus :)

I quite like this collaborative monster taming/soul harvesting business :) a co-operative Pokémon game with this kind of gameplay would be pretty cool.

For now though we still have Flan Princesses. I wanna hunt more :)

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