Tuesday 1 March 2022

4 xenoblade - more mingling and gathering quests in colony 9

Dear Readers,

I mingled more with the residents of Colony 9.

One said everything was made of ether and monsters dropped them. They said monster ones had different properties.

There was a lady who was so addicted to the tasty curry here that she cried if she couldn't have it every day.

Another lady sitting said it wasn't safe to go out of town alone and not even two were enough. Three was more ideal. An old guy sitting across from her said Dunban saved Colony 9 and 6. This was the guy with the Monado from the prologue.

Another lady said the mustache Colonel was strict and scary but it was thanks to him we were safe. She said a lot of girls have signed up to be soldiers and joked about signing up herself for exercise.

A guy shouting welcome was sitting and suggested cliff diving from any height into water. I've seen this in videos of the game! Should be fun. He told me to be careful in the east as there were deadly monsters around Agora Shore. Ok noted.

I saw a pink little thingy who was selling Nopon vegetables. Confirmed these little thingies are Nopon. She was happy there weren't any Mechon seen for about a year thanks to Dunban but she was also worried no gossip was coming from Colony 6.

A man asked me to take care of a gigantic monster because he didn't like the sight of it. I agreed to take the quest to defeat Verdant Bluchal near Anti-Air Battery 1 in Colony 9. He was grateful and said he hoped it didn't go too near the battery itself.

Another Nopon lady advised me to increase affinity with people for benefits in trading.

Another lady said Nopon Merchants were really helpful to travellers when they go outside the colony.

A man wanted to make armour for his son but needed a Small Scale. I accepted this quest for him. Also it's weird to see "armour" spelled the non-American way in an RPG! He said I could get Small Scales by defeating Piranhaxes. Noted. He was also having trouble with his household Ether Cylinder. No quest for that though. Ah well.

A little blue Nopon dude said good things about Giorgio's curry.

A lady named Shura talked about Ether Lamps and how they didn't cause pollution. She came up as a "Giants researcher". Interesting. She said she wanted to investigate their ruins at some point.

A man said we Homs had to sleep every night but the Mechons could keep going through the night, so we had to be careful. He spoke of someone named Désirée who lost her father a year ago and had to close his shop. She was very upset. Homs is a funny but cute name for humans.

A man named Leopold was interested in buying lamps but he was in debt. His personality was "Impoverished Critic". He also had a girlfriend who spent a lot of money. This girlfriend was next to him and was named Sylviane, an "Extravagant spender". She was dying to buy stuff for their home to make the neighbours jealous.

Another man said more dangerous monsters came out at night but they dropped rarer stuff. Makes sense.

I went up some stairs and met Désirée. She broke her watch and wanted me to fix it for her. We talked about her father being good at fixing things. I apologised for being rude to bring it up, especially since he was gone now. She was in good form though and said I was sweet when I went timid. Aw... I accepted her quest. I would have to take it to the lab. Her personality was "Useless with machines". Yeesh!

More mingling next time. A lot of people and it's hard to get a feel for this place. It's taking days and some of them only come out during day or night too.

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