Sunday 1 October 2017

51 kirby planet robobot - attempts 6 & 7 in the true arena, getting further!

Dear Readers,

I went back to The True Arena for a sixth attempt, using the Stone ability again.

I tried switching strategy on the Dedede clones 2.0, to punch them with the Stone Uppercut instead of the regular move. Didn't fare much better so I just stuck with the regular strategy.

I tried using Turbo Stone more often too. Can be less tiring.

Galacta Knight took off a big chunk of health so I wasn't at optimum health when fighting the last boss, Star Dream Soul OS, but I was getting on much better than last time.

Then I lost against the last form of the last boss :( I got a little bit beyond the piano keys, but got killed by the giant "2"s coming at me. My thumb was exhausted from holding the shoot button...

After a little break it was on to the seventh attempt! Same Stone ability. It was just a case of going through the motions. I really shouldn't let Galacta Knight take so much health off of me...

I was much more able to take on the final boss however. On the pause screen there's an extra bit of lore, a quote from someone wondering why he reactivated such a terrible machine and it was to see "her" just one last time. He must've been talking about NOVA's wish granting abilities. I should look at the pause screen more often! Lots of tasty extras there! Anyway, I beat it this time! Yeeeha! :D

I was hoping this was the end but...

Afterwards the cut scene where Meta Knight launches me out of the Halberd played, but this time was different. Instead of trying to keep me away with shields, Star Dream Soul OS inhaled and gobbled me up! When I came to, I was inside the chamber where its heart was. I then had to face the surrounding components like that shmup/stg boss in Kirby's Fun Pak, except this time in regular platforming mode. I did okay for a while until it suddenly spawned what I think were Capsule Js. Whatever they were I lost when one of them fell on me. :(

I had to take another break. At least I'm getting further with each attempt :)

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