Saturday 9 March 2019

179 night in the woods - another noise and the weird office

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I left the newspaper room and reached elevator number 4. The music stopped again. So many elevators...

Gregg wondered how and why. I said granddad would be complaining about local tax dollars right now.

Suddenly an unidentifiable and horrible creaking noise came from somewhere.

I was like aaagh and Gregg said it was not cool. I said maybe someone left a phone here and that was its ringtone or something and Gregg said probably and I said probably and he said probably and I said crimes and he said crimes. We had to keep our nerves steady and this helped.

We explored downstairs again. We didn't have to and it was unnerving to do so, but I wanted to! Then it was on to the fourth elevator.

I said "Going down!" and we went down to find a dark office. It had desks and clutter all over the place. Gregg said this place was boring. I asked him if anything here was interesting and he talked about office supplies. He spotted a calender and it had what looked like covered bridges. He saw another that had famous disasters on it. I said that was the cool person's desk :) and the other person was boring. Gregg wondered if they were friends, noting that you can work with someone and not be friends. I said yeah. He then said that maybe this room wasn't so boring after all. I said it definitely was.

We got back in the elevator and returned to the floor we were on. It's certainly weird to imagine someone coming to work here by taking an elevator up and another one down to get to their office. No windows either.

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