Sunday 10 March 2019

180 night in the woods - more horrible noises at elevator 5

Dear Readers,

I said "Going up!" on the 4th elevator this time and we ascended to the next floor, where we saw yet another elevator in front of us.

Gregg couldn't believe it. Yet, here it was: elevator number 5. This one was locked.

I said this was as high as we were going without picking some locks. Unfortunately, Gregg learned he had dropped the lockpick stuff out back. I said he was kidding me and he said he was being attacked by an owl! After a pause I said ok and sorry and asked if maybe he could improvise?

He said he'd need some pliers and asked if I had a paperclip. I said no and asked who on Earth today is carrying a paperclip? He said nobody.

I had to update the list. Now it consisted of: "Map room, forbidden zone, find a way out, find pliers, find paperclip". Gregg confirmed.

The music stopped.

I said this was so stupid. This was like work and it was all work!

Suddenly, another horrible noise rang out, coming from somewhere to the left. It sounded like a rumbling stomach along with some bumping noises.

Gregg asked me if I heard it and I said yeah. It didn't sound like a person. Neither of us knew what it was.

We hurried along, going past elevator number 5. The only thing beyond here was a door and we went through.

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