Sunday 24 March 2019

194 night in the woods - we can't sleep

Dear Readers,

I sat on Gregg and Angus' kitchen floor talking to Mom on the phone. I told her I was sorry.

She said I scared them to death. I said sorry again. She said they'll come pick me up. I said no it was cool and I was gonna sleep here. My eyes were all narrow and tired. She asked if Bea was there and I said Bea was here. She said ok and I said I'd be back in the morning. She said to have Bea drive me home and I said I would. Then she said my name and... there was a pause before I said I know. She then said to give them a call if I needed to come home. I said I would and that I loved her. She said love you too and that was it.

Some time later I stood in the kitchen next to Angus. I was still very weak. He asked if I wanted a brownie and I said I couldn't really eat right now. I said I'd puke but there wasn't anything in there so I'd end up puking my actual guts out. It made sense to him. He said I do need my guts. I said for the moment at least.

I walked into the living room. It was nighttime. All was quiet. Gregg was sitting on the couch and Germ was standing nearby. No video games or anything. I talked to Gregg and he asked me if I was sure I was ok. I said yeah I guess so. Then I said not really. He said he was really worried. I said he was correct to worry as it was bad. He said not to ever get seriously injured again.

Speaking to him again brought up options. I said "Gonna like... wander around your apartment." and he said that's what it's here for. This can be him being quirky or maybe even fourth wall breaky :)

But yeah, I wanted to talk to Germ. I asked him what even was that game? He said it was Werewolf: Shred The Gnar 3. I was like wow and said I played it at Casey's house years ago. He said he played it. Yesterday. At home. I said cool.

Bea was standing in the bedroom. I asked her if there was signal in here and she said there was WiFi. I said ah ok. She said she had a mental map of all of the WiFi spots in town. I asked her what was it with Possum Springs and no signal? She said it was all to do with being out here in the hills and we weren't big enough to get towers or something. I said huh.

She then said hey and I said yeah? She said if we were all still alive or whatever, we should maybe hang out more :) Aw Bea! I can't wait to play this game again and hang out with her mainly! I said I thought she found me really annoying and she said eh. I said I'd take eh!

After speaking to everyone I finally said to Gregg "Can we all hit the sack?" and he said sure, dude. I made an ellipsis and he then barked at everyone to go to bed now! I said holy crap and Germ said he'll see us all tomorrow. I asked him if he was sure it was safe for him to leave and he said it was safer for him, at least. He said nobody was following him and he wasn't in the woods the other night. I said oh, right and he said he'd keep an eye out. He said he also had mace. I said he carried mace? and he said yeah, ever since that dude followed him home that one time. I remembered him talking about that.

After a pause he then said Mae? and I said Yeah Germ? and he asked what my name was short for. We both exchanged ellipses until I finally said Margaret. He then told me to take care of myself, calling me Margaret. I said you too, Jeremy. aw :) he may have been wondering that for a while. I didn't really want him to go but he went.

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