Tuesday 26 March 2019

196 night in the woods - actually confronting the ghost

Dear Readers,

The scene shifted to me alone in the woods at the bridge we crossed earlier. I could still only shuffle along. All alone! I must've been insane.

I guess I just couldn't take it anymore though. All this horrible stuff happening and I had to just face it right now. I shuffled up the hill and the scene fast forwarded to just before the red glow after the mine cart graveyard.

I shuffled along a bit more and there, right in front of me, was the figure. My ghost. Urrgh! I kept approaching it.

I asked it what it was.

It didn't answer.

I asked was it actually a ghost? Or just some... guy?

Again, it didn't answer.

I asked what this thing was in my head? Was it doing this? Why was this happening to me?

Still no answer.

I demanded it to talk!

No talk.

I then said fine, let's do this. I had nowhere to go but towards the silent, still, ghostly figure.

I took a few steps when suddenly, an arrow whizzed over my head and speared the figure in the shoulder! Footsteps behind me and it was my friends! Gregg! Bea! Angus! :) Gregg had the crossbow he showed me earlier.

Bea said nice shot. Gregg said he wasn't aiming for the shoulder!

The figure finally spoke! It groaned, saying Aaargh, you effing shot me! Gregg shouted at him to get away from me. Angus said there were three of them on our side and only one of them on his side. Gregg added that none of us had bolts sticking out of us. He then let loose a big loud string of extreme expletives at the creepy dude. Not a big scary ghost after all huh :)

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