Saturday 16 March 2019

186 night in the woods - next step in the ghost action plan

Dear Readers,

I held another super important meeting in the lads' apartment with Angus, Gregg and Bea. I was not standing this time. I thanked them all again for coming.

Angus reminded me again that they lived here. Gregg said yeah, that I was in his living room. Bea accepted the thanks graciously.

Gregg asked if I had an idea of what was going on. I had a very serious, sad and scared look on my face. I looked down at my knees and said "There's a ghost that's in my head." I said the night after I saw the kidnapping, or at least I thought it was a kidnapping, I had this dream I barely remembered except for this sound... this horrible sound and this feeling and that I kept hearing it whenever the ghost got nearby. I said it was like someone was ripping open a hole in my brain.

Everyone else made ellipses but said nothing otherwise.

I said I knew they didn't believe me. Bea then said it wasn't that she didn't believe that something was happening with me, she just didn't know that it was a ghost. Gregg agreed and said there were like 50 better explanations for all of this. I said like what? and Bea said that I have sudden stress migraines and saw something that freaked me out and made me stress out. Angus then said he gets migraines. Bea continued, saying I had been going through a lot of life changes recently and that stress does weird things to people. I lowered my eyes and said ok, fine, fine, whatever.

I then declared I was going up into the woods because I knew this thing was up there. I knew what I saw and if they didn't believe me, that was fine. I was going to go alone if I had to.

Bea asked if I really was gonna hike up past the basketball court. Gregg said it was late. I got snappy with them and asked what did they care as they didn't believe me anyway.

After a pause, Angus said he would go. I was surprised and perked up! He said he didn't believe in ghosts but he believed in me. Gregg said aw dude and Angus continued, saying let's go find my ghost! Bea then jumped in with saying that she was fixin' to say something like that but Angus said it better!

I smiled and said to them you guys... Bea then said it wasn't even ghost hunting season. Angus said yeah, that it was buck. Bea then said we were outlaws. I was touched and thanked them. Bea said she just didn't want me wandering around up there alone at night. I said close enough! and Gregg said let's hunt some ghost!

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