Wednesday 20 March 2019

190 night in the woods - i think i'm alive

Dear Readers,

Bleary sunlight shone through the trees in the woods. A figure rose from the ground at the bottom of a steep hill. It was Mae! I'm Mae again!

I was in very bad shape though. I was hunched over, wrapping my arms around myself, my eyes bleary and the most I could move was at a slow shuffle. The background music was just atmospheric winds and a deep bass pluck.

I shuffled my way through the woods. The scene fast forwarded to me emerging from the woods and into civilisation. After more shuffling it fast forwarded to me shuffling past mailboxes and telephone poles. It looked like the street where I lived, but I couldn't see any houses. Everything was just drenched in a bright light.

Soon I could shuffle no more and I just collapsed...

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