Tuesday 19 March 2019

189 night in the woods - worrying about mae

Dear Readers,

The scene shifted to Gregg and Angus' apartment. Gregg was standing, Bea was sitting on the couch and Germ was sitting on the ground with a video game controller. Joyful video game sounds rang out around the room.

Gregg said nice, Bea said nice and Germ said yep. Gregg told him he was way better at this than he was himself. Bea said she wasn't this good at anything. Germ said he still played a lot and he had lots of old games at home as he collected them. Gregg said huh, and that he was never at Germ's place. Germ said he didn't take anyone there. Gregg asked if it was a secret and Germ said he lived in a tree. Bea said she'd believe that.

They paused and continued looking at the screen. At this point of course I'm wondering if everyone made it out of the woods! This cinematic, disorienting shift was keeping me in a lot of suspense!

On top of that, I was now controlling Gregg! I couldn't run or jump around like Mae though. I walked into our room and said I could use like 5 naps, 5 good naps in one nap bucket. I walked back into the living room and looked out the window. I said I didn't see the dude. Bea said he was outside her building last night, late. I asked "Any ideas who these people are?". She said she had zero clue and she couldn't come up with any explanations that weren't nuts. I looked out the window again and said it was getting dark earlier.

I chatted with Germ. I told him I used to skate and I wasn't super good at it. Germ said he could skate and he was a skater. I said "Sk8 n destroy" and he said he used his powers for good. I take it this was a skateboarding game he was playing.

I chatted with Bea. I asked if she was dead. She said she had no idea and had no response from her parents. I said "That's bad." and she said it wasn't great. I said geez...

Mae... :(

I walked into the kitchen and Angus was in there. He was saying something about having brownies and sodas.

I said hey cap'n to him. He said hey bug back. I asked him if he was making 3 dinners at once. He said brownies were in the oven and he was thinking about making the lasagne we got and forgot about. I said "we have lasagne?" and he said yeah! Way back in the back! I said I thought that was like, the wall. He said nope! I told him he should maybe go sleep or something as he'd barely sat down in the past 24 hours. He said good dinner makes everyone feel better and that someone's gotta take care of us. I told him to let me take care of him. He said that this stuff he was doing helped him. I said that was cool. Then I said we were gonna make it through this. He said the same. I said love you and he said the same.

I talked to him again. I said I just wanted to say that it was cool of him to go to Possum Jump with Mae. I said I knew the scout camp wasn't the most fun place from when he was a kid. He said it was cool and that going there was cathartic. I said nice and he said he needed to defrost the lasagne... or did he? He mulled over whether he needed to defrost it or to cook it from frozen.

I went back into the living room and said guys, this is a bad situation. Bea said yep. Angus said yup from the kitchen. Germ said yessir. I then said wait everybody shut up...

There was a noise outside the door. Someone was out there. Bea said what? and Angus said he heard it too. Bea said seriously, what? After a pause, Angus said there was someone standing outside the door. Bea said what? and I said everyone be very quiet...

Then I said crap.

The scene made another sudden shift to the woods...

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