Sunday 31 March 2019

201 night in the woods - walking away from... them

Dear Readers,

Bea, Gregg, Angus and I walked back to the elevator. I wasn't able to walk and Angus was kind enough to carry me.

Gregg said his brain was in pieces right now. I said it was all just empty, everything is empty. I asked what were we going to do? Gregg said we'd crack that one when we were far away from here. I said I didn't know if I... and Angus gently shushed me, saying we'd talk later. Bea said it was old, old stuff in here as we took the creaky elevator back up.

When we got to the top, Angus said he was gonna put me down for a sec and I said ok. Gregg said Casey... and Bea said Yeah... he said he... and Bea said yeah... and he said and for what? I then said I think I got it. Angus said wow, really? I said I was too tired to explain it right but it was like they lost what they thought was gonna happen, which was what had happened a long time ago, or how they remember or picture it themselves, and the things it gave them... and so Casey and that kid at Harfest and... and then I said sorry, I lost it. Angus said it was more sense than he could make of it. I said they were sad, that it was all really sad. Gregg asked Angus if he was ready to go again and he said yeah, sorry.

Bea then said wait, everybody shut up!

There was a faint sound, like some footsteps.

Angus said what? She said shh, that she thought she...

Suddenly, the glowing red light of the elevator started flashing and a figure just... appeared! The figure of the ghost! Horror movie music started playing as it dived and grabbed at my leg! A QTE popped up on screen as I struggled with it! Gregg and Bea were pulling me back and Angus went for the elevator lever!

The elevator started going down and the figure's neck got caught between the roof of it and the ground! Gregg continued to pull at me and Bea went to help Angus with pulling back the lever all the way. The elevator plummeted, the ghost got caught inside and went down with it, and we all fell back to the ground next to the lever as rocks crumbled all around us! Everything went dark!

That was pretty scary! I didn't press anything for the QTE because I was curious about what would happen. If anything different would happen? I'll find out next time. But yeah... what a scene! That horror movie music was like some kind of 70s sci-fi sound and was very much unsettling!

Another thing that makes this scene so unsettling is that I don't usually see the characters move so much without saying anything, so when something like this does happen it's really makes an impact!

The neck getting caught thing too... Yeesh...

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