Monday 11 March 2019

181 night in the woods - the map room and the truth about the horrible noises

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I found ourselves in a dark room with many little glowing switches.

On flicking the first switch, we recognised Gregg's neighbourhood and the highway and the absence of Ham Panther. It was an old map. We were finally in the map room! Gregg said let's be extra careful. I said ok and crimes and he said crimes.

The second switch showed the graveyard and this building. I said it was spooky, like we were being watched. The house did seem to be surrounded by trees and graves.

The third switch revealed my neighbourhood. Gregg said he bets there's a tiny me in there :) I said that made me dizzy and he said he was dangerous that way!

The fourth switch illuminated Towny Centry. We got all olde Englishe when describing it :)

The fifth and last switch brought up the Food Donkey and the woods my ghost guy ran into. Gregg said he sure got around for a dead guy and I said that he does.

All of a sudden the music stopped again and the map lit up whole. This house on the map lit up red and the windows of the buildings of the town lit up. A tiny train ran along the tracks and a musical chime played. When that was finished the map went back to the way we had it lit up and we heard the weird creepy noise again with the rumbling. It was definitely coming from this room.

Just then the camera jerked to the left, revealing a figure. It looked creepy and dramatic! We went up to it and it started moving, making creaky and rumbling noises like the ones we had been hearing all along. Yeesh! This ugly thing was indeed the source of the noise. Gregg said that the mystery was solved. Then he paused and said no...

Then he said if this thing was making noise while we were downstairs, that meant someone was in here while we were walking around! I was like ohhhhhh... Then he said yeah and let's maybe go. I refused though, saying we had to find stuff! He said we were gonna get tasered or something by some kind of big bulky... and I butted in with historical society employee. He said whatever and he was blaming me if this went bad. I said fine! and he said fine!

Then there was a pause. He said sorry and I said so too. He said he'd never turn me in and I said I wouldn't either. We both said crimes to each other again.

Right next to the horrifying mechanical figure was a toolbox. Gregg said the repair guy must've left for the night halfway through fixing this thing. I spotted some pliers! Gregg was relieved and was glad we weren't gonna starve in here. I said there'd be people here in the morning and he was like oh right.

Maybe the repair guy was the one that was here? Maybe the noises we made on the way up spooked him? Food for thought...

Next we needed a paperclip. I suggested the boring office we found earlier for the boring paperclip and said that we'd probably just find like 7 more elevators. We left the room, leaving the map lights on.

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