Monday 18 March 2019

188 night in the woods - something even more horrible happens

Dear Readers,

The four of us stood frozen to the spot at the top of the hill on discovering the horrific scene below.

The camera shifted down there. There was a cave entrance with several figures standing around. They were all dressed like the ghost. On the ground someone was squirming and saying NO! NO!

One of them spoke. They said aw heck he's awake already and asked if anyone had any juice. The poor guy on the ground desperately said guys... guys... wait...

Another one of them spoke to the struggling guy on the ground. They said Lurv, you knew this was gonna happen. That he knew it the moment he screwed this whole thing up. They continued, saying it wasn't like he wasn't on the other side of this before. Lurv said it was a mistake and he owned up to it. This figure then said that this was him owning up to it, right now. Lurv asked if he wasn't allowed to make one mistake and the figure said mistake?!, reminding Lurv that he left an arm in front of the Click Clak Diner! They said that because of him, gosh knows what was gonna happen to this town!

Lurv then asked what was he supposed to do? The figure then said it was his screw up. The other figure said Lurv's leg was stuck. The figure then continued, saying it wasn't like Lurv couldn't have called any of them. Lurv said he panicked and was embarrassed. The figure said they wished Lurv would've called them. They asked if Lurv thought any of them wanted to do this. Lurv then said that they could figure something out. The figure said there was nothing to figure out. Lurv pleaded, saying he had family. The figure told him not to insult them. They said Lurv knew he didn't have to worry about Jeanie and the girls and that they would be completely taken care of and will want for nothin'.

The other figure then said Lurv wasn't gonna budge with that leg sticking straight out. The main figure then said aw, heck.

Lurv pleaded more, calling them by their names. He said to Dave, Rick and Bennie that they knew him. The main figure told Dave to hold Lurv and told Lurv they were sorry but they had no choice. They told Lurv they'd appreciate it if he stopped laying a guilt trip on them.

They reached down to Lurv and the camera shifted upwards. Lurv wailed NO NO NO NO. The figure said to hold him still and Lurv started yelling and screaming. The figure said to hold still and this would happen easier if... but they were interrupted by Lurv screaming even more until he stopped. The other figure said he was free.

The camera shifted down again, bringing them back into view. Lurv wasn't moving anymore but he screamed even more now. The figure said no one could hear him out this far but Lurv continued screaming. The figure then just said aw heck let's get this over with. They said they wished Lurv would just make this easy. The other figure said his bone was sticking out.

Just then I gasped and swore out loud and they heard! The figure said my name! My FULL name! It knew me! Angus yelled RUN!

The scene shifted to two of the figures chasing after me! I didn't see anyone else and it seemed that I had to jump over obstacles in my way. I decided I wouldn't jump over anything to see what would happen. I stumbled over a few bushes until I stumbled on one that made everything go black...

A little bit of bluesy music played... It sounded like a "game over" chime.

A new title appeared onscreen. It read PART 4: THE END OF EVERYTHING.

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