Friday 22 March 2019

192 night in the woods - we go into hiding

Dear Readers,

I woke up in my own bed, though I was still in very bad shape. I got up but I still couldn't move very well.

I went outside. The scene fast forwarded here. Music that made a melody kinda like church bells ringing played, but it was much more echoey and unsettling.

Then I made my way to Angus and Gregg's building. The scene fast forwarded to me standing in the hallway outside their apartment door.

Following on from the scene where I said crap as Gregg, I called out his name as Mae. He said holy crap, Mae? It's Mae!!!

The scene switched to me inside the door of their apartment. Germ was still playing the skating game with joyful ska soundtrack and Gregg and Bea were both now standing and looking at me, extremely worried. I've never seen Bea so worried!

Gregg said he thought I was gonna be dead! I said not yet. He said I came back to life! Bea said she didn't think I was dead. Gregg then flailed his arms around, yelling pizza party!!! I said I was feeling woozy. Bea said I should lay down. Gregg said I could sleep in their bed. I said I felt weird about that and said how about the couch? Germ asked if he had to stop playing and I said no, the sound was good. The joyful sound of urban chaos, car screeching, police sirens blaring, camera snapping, skateboard slamming, all set to the sound of joyful ska music! Ah, early 2000s gaming :)

Soon I was laying on the couch with my eyes closed. Germ continued playing the game. Bea and Angus were talking. She said my mom said it was ok to keep me here and that she'd drive me home later. He said so I just like, wandered out of my house? and Bea said yeah, and all the way here. He said geez. She said it was lucky I didn't pass out somewhere out there.

After another while I was still laying on the couch. Germ was still playing the game. Gregg stood near us and said he hoped I was alright. Germ said he hoped so too, saying I was a good person. Bea walked into the room from the kitchen and told both of them to shhh! Gregg said no, thhhh! Bea said what? and he said leth noithy, doing his "th" sounds again. :)

Later again while I was still laying on the couch and Germ was still playing the game, Angus, Bea and Gregg were discussing something. Bea asked Angus how well he knew some guy. Gregg said they ordered pizza twice a week and Angus said at least. Gregg said it was from out by the highway since Pastabilities closed down. Bea said she thought they were trying to save money and Gregg said what? Angus then told her not to police their lifestyle. She said ok, as long as we were sure the delivery guy was safe. Angus said he could spot him through the keyhole. Gregg said if it wasn't him, we'd turn off the light and maybe hide here until we died. Bea said alright, as long as there was a plan.

Some time later I found myself in a dark room. A dark room with joyful ska music and video game sounds playing. I said hello? and Bea said look who's awake! There was a buzz at the door. Angus said it was the pizza guy and Gregg cheered. They really did turn the light off!

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