Wednesday 13 March 2019

183 night in the woods - elevator chase panic and confusion

Dear Readers,

As we were putting it all together, it didn't seem to make a lot of sense. I said that maybe this particular elevator was for loading things for the map room and the other ones were for avoiding the stairs... but even then... and Gregg then said none of this made any sense.

We paused a moment and thought about the thing that was upstairs. Gregg said whatever it was, it didn't look like it was following us down here. I asked him if he was coming around on this ghost thing and he said ghosts didn't use elevators. I asked him why not if they can use stairs and he paused. Then he changed the subject to the very first elevator, which was also locked before. He wondered where it went and so did I. We said crimes to each other and got to work on it. The option to leave the basement via the stairs like before wasn't there...

Gregg got to picking the first elevator's lock in the dark. I said sorry and he said it was cool and that he... and he was interrupted by the camera shifting to the second elevator. Noises were coming from that too! Panic again! Gregg said he was going to keep picking and he told me to see if we could get out through the back.

I checked the door and it was stuck! The only thing I could do was talk to Gregg again. I told him it was locked! Something locked it! He said the word someone, correcting me. I then said we could go back upstairs but then that meant we were just gonna get chased around in a circle by whatever it was! He then said the word whoever, correcting me again. I was just like dude...

Just then, he got it! He unlocked the elevator and the doors sprung open! Before stepping in I said we didn't know where this was gonna go and he asked if I had any better ideas. I said I clearly didn't and we both got in.

It was a long elevator ride and the music stopped. We arrived... in the attic! I noted how they had an elevator in this building that went directly from the basement to the attic with no stops in between. I was just like, what the actual crap. Gregg said we had to be quick and find a way out. He ran off to the left and came back, saying he found a window and a fire escape! Unfortunately, the window didn't open. We started exploring the attic...

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