Tuesday 12 March 2019

182 night in the woods - hearing footsteps downstairs!

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I backtracked to the boring office for the boring paperclip.

When we got there I said other people go on weird ghost hunting adventures and they're looking for cool stuff... but hey, let's look for the paperclip!

There was lots of stuff to examine. We found a big-ass stapler, a Donut Wolf receipt, a picture of a dang hound dog, a picture of some dang kids, one of those little hula girls, gum, notecards, pins, phone charger... and the paperclip we were looking for!

It was time to open that locked elevator. I was guessing there were gonna be 12 more elevators after it.

We got to the locked elevator and Gregg got to work. He said he was gonna break out of county jail someday with these skills maybe. I asked him what the heck was he going to jail for and he said it was probably going to be something like this.

When Gregg started working I started hearing footsteps! I told him he needed to hurry and he said what? I then said someone was coming and that they were in the hallway downstairs! The music changed to a more urgent version of the theme. He said he'd be finished in...

The camera then shifted over to the elevator we used to get up here. There were noises coming from it. I was panicking about it and so was he. I told him again to hurry!

Suddenly he got it! The doors opened for us and we jumped in right away. The elevator took us to... the basement! This was actually the 2nd elevator all along!

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