Saturday 23 March 2019

193 night in the woods - alive and eating pizza

Dear Readers,

Pizza time! This time it was delivered pizza from the place on the highway. Germ was with us this time too.

Everyone took a slice. I took one and I felt too icky to eat it all, so I put it back. Everyone else held theirs in their hands, taking a single bite.

I asked what happened. Bea said they called the cops. She said my aunt and some guy fished me out of the woods. Huh. I thought I shuffled out of there... Angus said I was like in a coma. Gregg asked if I died. I said nah, just took a very long nap. He said nice. Bea said uh... yeah... nice.

Everyone ate the rest of their slices. Gregg put his crust back. I tried taking my slice again, but I was too ill and gurgly to eat it, so I put it back again.

I said I had this dream or like a vision. Or maybe I time travelled. Then I said I didn't know, that I was like in and out of consciousness. Gregg asked me if I wasn't able to eat. Bea said I should eat. I said I didn't know if I could.

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