Sunday 17 March 2019

187 night in the woods - the mine cart junkyard

Dear Readers,

Angus, Gregg and Bea came along with me to the woods to find the ghost once and for all.

Bea said she hadn't been on a night hike in a long time. Gregg said he had to listen for owls. I asked him why and he said no reason. No reason eh? After what happened earlier? :)

Angus said he had work in the morning so he was all set to go catching a ghost right then and there.

I could only walk this time with the others following behind. It was deep into nighttime and everything seemed peaceful apart from the marching theme of action in the background music. We were determined.

We walked across the bridge and I wondered how I had never been back up here. Bea stepped ahead a bit and said that fences worked. Gregg disagreed and said that people were up here all the time. He stepped ahead a bit too and said he came here when he was like 12. I asked what was up here and he said it was just old junk and trees and animals. Then he walked back behind me. Bea stood still.

Angus asked Bea what was up and she paused a moment before saying it was nothing. I said nothing? and she stepped back behind me, saying she was praying. I glared at her and said wooooooow... then Angus said really? and she said yeah. Let's go.

We walked across the bridge and up the hill into the woods. It got darker and darker. Gregg said to wait and Bea said what? He then looked up and said he thought he heard an owl. Angus said oh hun... I then told Bea that Gregg got attacked by an owl. She was like what!? when!? and I told her it was when we were breaking into the historical society building. Angus then told Gregg he didn't think owls attacked in groups. Gregg then said if he got mauled to death he warned us all. Angus then said he'd punch any owl that got near him and Gregg said aw and thanks cap'n! Bea then tried to imagine how big dangerous Gregg was scared of birds. He told her he almost died from that owl!

We walked on. At the top of the hill there was a clearing of sorts. In this clearing was a pile of discarded mine carts. I was like wow and Bea said she guessed they had to put this stuff somewhere. I asked Gregg if he remembered this from when he was 12 and he said yeah, that he was scared of it. Angus wondered how they even got all of this stuff back up in here. After looking at it for a while I just shuddered. Bea asked what was up and I said it was nothing except it was just that all of this old, old stuff out here was out here every night when you go to sleep. Bea said so? and I said it was out here in the dark, so old... so old so old so old... and I shook my head while saying this.

Gregg was like dude! Hey! and I snapped out of it, saying I was fine. Bea said we should go back and that this was stupid. I said it was fine. I was like woo... ghost hunt... fun..., sounding less enthusiastic myself.

The music; this brave, courageous march then died completely. We continued walking past the pile of old mine carts and up another hill with more trees, getting darker and darker except for this strange reddish glow that was ahead. At the top of this hill we noticed something was casting this glow from below. We looked and stopped dead in our tracks. I said what the— , Gregg said something else and Bea said OMG...

The camera then shifted to what was below...

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