Thursday 28 March 2019

198 night in the woods - we enter the mine

Dear Readers,

Gregg, Bea, Angus and I stood at the entrance to the mine.

Angus said the gate was open. Bea said oh geez and Gregg said what? She said we could maybe block it shut or something. Gregg said dang, you're right but I said no. I said "He... it... whatever..." was in there and I had to go down there. Bea said well then and Angus said it looked like all of his friends were gone. Bea and Gregg both said it was just one guy and I said it was just one... something.. Gregg cocked his crossbow before saying *bang bang*. We all entered the mine!

It was really dark and creepy inside. Gregg said it was really spooky and I said I didn't think we got to complain about spooky. We left our precious robot boy out in the woods and yeah, that was a really spooky thing. He said nah, that we created a legend! Bea asked what were we even talking about and I said it had been a weird few days.

It really was creepy in this mine. The echoing breeze, the odd distant clatter and most creepy of all, the audible breath. Eesh! We walked a bit further and it fast forwarded to us standing in front of some boarded doorway and a lever. There was a bluish glow up ahead. It was some kind of elevator shaft.

Angus said it looked like he took the elevator down. He said so much for the element of surprise as he'd be able to hear us coming a mile away. Bea asked if we were sure we wanted to do this and Gregg then asked me if I was sure.

I said to them I didn't know if they understood, but he was in my head. I couldn't function like this. Everything was dying or dead already. I didn't know what was gonna happen down there. Gregg said alright then, down we go together! Angus went back to the lever and pulled it.

The scene went black and back again to us, with the elevator coming up and making everything rumble. A pulsating red glow emanated from it. I said that thing looked old and Bea said they hadn't used this mine in a lot of years. Generations, even. Gregg asked sarcastically if she was our tour guide now.

We all got into the elevator.

Bea said they had Possum Springs tourism pamphlets at the shop and she gets bored. I asked her if this old elevator thing was in the brochure. She didn't answer. The elevator took us down.

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