Wednesday 3 April 2019

203 night in the woods - dropping deep into my own head

Dear Readers,

Thanks to Angus' amazing scouting abilities, we found another passage! With a sniff he could even tell there was water ahead!

We were amazed and asked if he really could smell water. He said hopefully it wasn't a river, as cave rivers were deathtraps. Gregg corrected him, saying it was a mine river.

Gregg, Angus and Bea walked further ahead a bit. I was able to shuffle slowly after them again. They stopped near the body of water. Gregg said he could see the bottom. I said I didn't think we were gonna die in the one foot of water. I walked ahead but they stayed.

I continued walking. They continued staying... I walked in this very shallow pool of water by myself until... SCHLORP! I suddenly dropped down, getting swallowed up!

The scene shifted to me with some weird aura around me. I saw some particles flowing around and some faint red glowy thing. I said I knew what it was now. I thought I knew before but after I sent that kid to the hospital years ago they said I had an anger problem, but that wasn't true. I was angry because of something else. Something I had lost, trying so hard since not to be angry got me all defenceless and I lost more, and more, and more... that wasn't getting better. I wanted to be angry. When I ran home, from college, on the bus I had this dream or maybe I saw it out the window. Last leaf on the tree finally blown off. I was so scared all the time and the fear actually *hurt*, feeling like everything was over, that it was over long before I got here. I was so long, hiding or trying to outrun this. I got it. This wouldn't stop until I died but when I die I wanted it to hurt. I said when my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I wanted it to hurt. Bad. I wanted to lose. I wanted to get beaten up. I wanted to hold on. Until I was thrown off and everything ended... and you know what? Until that happened I wanted to hope again and I wanted it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. If it meant I was... something, at least. I then laughed and said it was pretty amazing to be something, at least.

Something responded. In a language I couldn't understand. It was like some weird symbols or something.

I told it it knew I couldn't understand it, right?

It spoke again.

I said shut up already. I said I knew this wouldn't save me in the end, but I didn't need it to save me forever. I just needed it to save me now. So if it was gonna kill me right here I said to do it. If not...

Suddenly the scene shifted again. Shifted to me on the other side of the shallow pool of water, standing. The others had already walked ahead a bit, looking back at me. Bea called out to me. Gregg asked if I was ok and I was just like... whoa.

Bea said I got all sleepwalky there for a sec. Angus asked if I wanted him to carry me. I said no I think I was good... I was just... very, very tired.

Gregg said I could hang here for a bit if I needed to as we were safe. I said uh huh and they walked ahead. Angus said there was light over there! Bea asked him if he smelled it and Gregg said he bet he did :)

That sudden dip in the water was unsettling! Very unsettling indeed! I was able to walk normally now though so it seems I was better able to deal with this thing in my head. Maybe something about this water gave me the ability to take it head on and deal with it all by myself.

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