Tuesday 9 April 2019

209 night in the woods - thinking about the cosy months ahead

Dear Readers,

I left my room and looked up at our family portrait. I said it was us! Just us! Home and us! I didn't know what this feeling was but I wasn't gonna cry today.

I told the bird we were gonna eat it for Thanksgiving :)

I looked at the books and thought I should re-read some of these. I had time and the cosy months were coming :) I read out "Shapes from Beyond the Veil of Space" and decided on that one. I looked at the back of the book and it said it was released in 1937. It also said it was a towering achievement and marks the start of the weird Gothic genre, an influence on much of 20th and 21st century horror, science fiction and pulp literature. Shapes was sure to make you question just how far away the night sky is from you at this moment. Cool :)

I said hey to granddad's clock. Then I said hey to it as if it was granddad.

Winter is coming in the game but for me it's already a good ways into the following year. I took my time playing this game :)

I went downstairs and mom called me from the kitchen. Time for a well overdue chat...

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