Friday 19 April 2019

219 night in the woods - i have all the time in the world for lori m!

Dear Readers,

I went up to see my pals, Lori M and Rooftop Cat!

First, Rooftop Cat. I observed I wouldn't be able to climb this soon, once it gets icy. I told myself to enjoy it while the weather lasts. For a moment I thought I meant it was because I'd be getting old or something, but no, it was winter coming of course.

I sat down with Lori M. She greeted me with a Hey! and asked if I was ok. She had heard I was in the hospital or something and I said yeah, haha. She asked what for and I said I fell into a ravine while running through the woods at night. She asked why and I said flat out I was chased by a death cult of conservative uncles. I guess that was still an improbable thing to happen, as she said that I didn't have to tell her.

There was a pause. Jeez...! That was all since the last time I spoke with her! What a freaking world!

She asked me if I really was ok and I said yeah, that it had just been a weird few days. She said ok and she got worried. Aw :) I told her I was super tough! and nothing was gonna get me anytime soon! She said that was good :)

We paused again.

I then said I wondered if they'd ever figure out who messed up the dudes. She said the dudes? and I said the mural. In the tunnel. She said oh, and that she did that herself! I was like what?! why? She said she didn't know! I said that wasn't a reason?! and she asked me why I cared so much?

I said "It's the dudes!" and that you didn't mess with the dudes like that! They were like a part of this place! She said this entire place was royally messed up! and nobody cared! She said she wanted someone to notice things weren't ok. She said this town was like a horror movie that never stops and it wasn't even a good one! I said yeah it might suck! But it was our horror movie and I added "and that's kind of cool, right?". I really wanted to ask her the other option though... maybe next time! She said yeah but...

and then there was another pause before I said yeah. I know. I had the same thing inside of me. She said The Thing and I said The Thing... and she said she felt like no one cares... that everything just... sucks forever. That there's the thing coming for us, happening to us. I said yeah but like... and this wasn't advice I was good at taking myself, but sometimes things are big enough and bad enough that they're unkillable, but, ya know, life goes on. She said yeah, that wasn't really comforting and I said heh heh. I said I was still working out a better pep talk for myself too. She laughed and said fair enough.

I asked her if her family did stuff for the holidays. She said her dad was usually away on Thanksgiving but he's home for Longest Night. I told her she should come do Thanksgiving at my house and she said oh no. no no no. I said come on, that we had 4 chairs and there were only 3 of us. That other chair usually just had junk on it. Again she said no no no, she couldn't. I asked her why not and she started huffing like I saw her do before... she then kept saying it's fine over and over to herself. I then said it was ok and we could talk about it later. She was still huffing, trying to say thank you between huffs. I asked her if she was ok, if I could do anything? She said no it was ok, that she just needed to sit here and be quiet for awhile, between huffs. I said ok and that I'd leave her alone then. I said I'd see her tomorrow, probably.

She then said my name and I answered. Then she said thanks for hanging out with her, between huffs. I said no prob, kid! I told her to try not to like, burn something down in the meantime. She laughed.

She had skull and crossbones in her speech when I spoke to her again. My gosh I have great time for her. :) one of my favourite characters!

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