Monday 22 April 2019

222 night in the woods - the winter fan

Dear Readers,

I visited Angus and Gregg's part of town. Snowflakes falling here too :)

I had a chat with someone in front of Video Outpost "Too". They said autumn sure was ending and I said it sure looked that way. I made an ellipsis and then said to them I had never seen them around before. They said they spent a lot of time indoors but it was nice to take a break and they liked the cold. They said it was brisk today and I said brrrrrrisk! They then said they sometimes stood in the cold with their arms out and let a gust of wind pass over them. It chills them out a bit. I raised my arms and said like this? and they said yeah, and asked if it was working. I said "Yeah!" and that it was cold... maybe too cold. They said you don't wanna be doing it for too long, but then you can go and get a coffee or a hot chocolate or something. I said it was the endless cycle of life! They said it was cosy! I said it was the endless cosy cycle of life!

Then I said geez, and how I hadn't thought about how cold it was getting out here till they mentioned it. They said it was snowing. Indeed it was. They said sorry and I said they didn't have to apologise.

They then said they were from Canada and they had to apologise!

I then said I was gonna put my arms down now and they said that was probably a good idea.

I let my arms down and said the blood all ran out of them. They said ok and I said numb arms and that was it.

But yeah... he was a different animal than usual! He was all green and beaky, like a turtle!

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