Friday 12 April 2019

212 night in the woods - aunt molly doesn't yell at me

Dear Readers,

After that very important chat with dad outside, I went up on the powerlines. He didn't seem to mind me going up there! Someone else was here and didn't seem to mind either...

I noticed the Kareems had gotten a new dog! I said hey puppers! and she saw me :) I said I could see her from here and that I'd be watching! I told it to beware and be a good pup. Love the way the beware part was all shaky and severe :)

Aunt Molly was here! And she didn't give out to me for going up on the powerlines! I jumped down and asked her what she was doing here. She said she was working. I said suuuuure and she just sighed. I asked her what was wrong and she said not to ask, but there were a lotta weird calls this morning. I said "Oh.". I really wanted to ask about the calls though! Maybe next time!

There was a pause.

She then asked me if I haven't seen...

and then she paused again...

...before saying nevermind and to go do whatever it was I did. I said ok fine I will.

She then said my name before pausing again.

I told her to spit it out already! She said to be careful. To just... be careful. I said well geez until now I never considered that! She said Mae! and I said ok fine thanks bye.

Oh man! I can only imagine what kind of calls she got this morning and I really wanted to ask her about them! I didn't though and just gave her my usual backtalk. I feel a bit bad talking to her like this but... I guess we're still this way.

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