Saturday 27 April 2019

227 night in the woods - my commentary on the concept art gallery!

Dear Readers,

Now to check out the extras! Let's start with the concept art!

The concept art gallery has the same music as when you're checking out dusk stars with Mr. Chazokov. It's a nice gallery with a bit of commentary there too! I'll give a bit of my own commentary.

#1 This art makes for a nice ad banner featuring all the main characters. Love the intensity of everyone's eyes!
#2 Concept sketches of the whole gang too, from 2013! Love seeing where it all started. They really didn't change much at all! Apart from Bea, who didn't pick up her smoking habit yet.
#3 First version of Mae's street. It did indeed get more colourful. Judging by the presence of Steve Scriggins here, it got a lot classier too.
#4 Layout of Mae's house. The shadows of the Janitor and what looks like a template for one of the parents look creepy. Mae's shadow is the only one that seems like it belongs!
#5 Layout of the Clik Clak Diner. Mae's there but her friends are all silhouette. I know they're placeholders but... this makes me imagine a sad image of Mae alone, remembering her friends when they'll eventually leave... :( and she's got drink glasses for them and all...
#6 Band practice early concept. Looks like Simon here with the colours and the arrows going to the centre makes it look like it had Gitaroo Man gameplay! Neat! :)
#7 Sketches of good ol' Sharkle :) one of them with cap and skateboard! Windows XP days!
#8 Layout of the main town areas. It was here I found out I could zoom in with Y! A few bits have changed about the town since...
#9 The Party Clearing. With Mae the only one here, again it's making me imagine a scenario where she's reminiscing on the past. It's like a part of me really wants to see what happens after the events of this game!
#10 Wow the church changed a lot since the concept. It seems both creepy and cute the way different parts of the building had what looked like pointed ears.
#11 Origin sketches of the pierogi toss game! Cool to read how they came up with it...
#12 The robot boy thing Gregg and Mae made! Sketches and even a bit of dialogue for itself! Looks a bit like a journal entry too.
#13 Ooo! The entire layout of the Historical Society Interior! All those elevators... the rooms have labels too but it's too small to read them on the Switch screen where I'm playing it.
#14 Wow... original concept layout for Mallard's Tomb. Everything's in a different place. Really interesting to see here. Weird room and all.
#15 One of the murals in the game featuring the mine workers. This one looked like the Three Wise Men, each with a star above their heads. The commentary said it was a reference to the WPA murals from the 30s and 40s that you can still find all over the US. I never knew about this and I had to do an image search! These are freaking awesome :)
#16 Original sketches for the dream musicians where they hadn't decided yet whether they'd be ghosts or skeletons. This is fascinating... Imagine if Mae saw skeletons playing those instruments instead! Now that I think about it though, it might change the tone a bit too much... I dunno.
#17 (locked)
#18 (locked)
#19 Lori M! One of my favourite characters and this is an early doodle of her. She grew into a wonderful character.
#20 Witchdaggah! I wish I learned more about who or what Witchdagger was! This was the original sketch. I like that they stuck with the idea of the dagger going through the hat :)
#21 No idea who these are. Commentary says they're crusties. Germ hung out with them alright. I can't remember the ones I met in the game very well, though I do remember meeting them.
#22 Oooh! An early concept sketch of the "Don't look at him" scene! Ghostly figure and all! Sweet landscape design too. One of my favourite scenes and they did it so well :)
#23 Original art direction pic for the daytime. Good direction it is too :) Lovely autumnal feeling.
#24 Another art direction pic but for the nighttime. This became the dream parts! The night parts just have Mae as a creepy silhouette.
#25 Concept sketch for those guys as the commentary says. Yeah they were seriously creepy dudes. Here it shows their mouths, beaks and snouts. It doesn't show those in the game, which makes them even creepier dudes.
#26 Very early sketches with pizza stains :) tells a story in itself! Look at Mae's open mouth and fangs! Her hot dog shirt! That dude about to poop on poor Bea's head! While someone else looks on in horror through eyes not on the side of their head! Fascinating stuff :)
#27 Demontower logo designs. Extremely metal indeed :) at first I thought it was the weird language from later on.
#28 (locked)
#29 (locked)
#30 (locked)
#31 (locked)
#32 (locked)
#33 (locked)

I would love to see the other sketches! Gotta unlock them first. I'll see what else I can do...

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