Thursday 4 April 2019

204 night in the woods - climbing to little riffs of hopepunk!

Dear Readers,

I was able to walk normally again! No more shuffling, but still no running and jumping. To tease it out, I explored back-along the passage but there was nothing. Still creepy though! I then just caught up with the others and found them standing near some debris on the ground and wall. There was something above us.

I asked what this was and Bea said it might be a vent or something to keep the miners from suffocating back in the day. It looked old enough at least. I just went ? and she reminded me of the brochure again.

Greg called out to anyone that could've been above, that we were down here and to please not ask us why. Angus said we could've gotten lucky and someone was out here in the woods at night.

I said I could try to make it out! Angus said something he could try and... Bea and Gregg made ellipses. Then he said ok yeah, and asked me if I was up for this? I said "Yeah" and I dunno, that I was like all hyper now, like dolphins. Gregg said hyper like dolphins? and I said no, that it was like when your body is like whoa I almost died and you get all hyper because you're filled with dolphins.

Heh heh cute :)

Bea was seriously confused, asking me if I was ok. Angus pointed out that it was endorphins and she was like aaaah ok. :) I said thank you! and it was those :)

Gregg said ok and to ride those dolphins up outta here :) and I said that was assuming I could even do this. Angus said they'd watch and I said ok.

I was now able to jump! Still no running, but jumping is back! Not triple jumping though.

I jumped on one of the boards jutting out from the wall. I kept jumping for a little bit but couldn't reach the next. Then I realised there was another one behind Angus. I jumped more and music started playing! It was a quiet but hopeful little riff in this dripping draughty darkness.

I was also able to look at my journal again! I had sketched the painting in the attic of the historical society. It was of... a black goat. The Black Goat no doubt, with some stars around. Underneath it I wrote "BAD ART" "NO CLUES" "CHASED BY GHOST??" along with the usual "GREGG RULZ OK" and sketch of Gregg :)

I continued jumping and ascending. As I ascended higher and higher, the hopeful little riff got louder and more hopeful instruments chimed in. It got brighter too! I climbed and climbed until...

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