Wednesday 24 April 2019

224 night in the woods - smelters fan surrogate

Dear Readers,

Outside of Millers, only one of the Smelters fans was there... the gloomier one. I remembered his friend was moving away...

He asked me who I was. I asked him if he hadn't seen me around? He said naw. I said I noticed him. He said that wasn't weird or anything. I said it was a bit cold for standing outside, wasn't it? He said someone had to stand here. Then he made an ellipsis. Then he asked me if I was a Smelters fan?

I said "Uh... yeah".

He said oh really? I laughed and said y-yeah! He then said Go Smelters? and I said Go Smelters. Then he said Go Smelters. And that was it.

Heh... the sports bar scene is weird ^^;

I climbed up to my newspaper reader! There had to have been some bit of news since I saw them last! I asked them what was in the news and they said it was gonna be a cold winter, the worst in years... I asked how could they predict that? and they said eh, future's all guesswork. Indeed it is!

That's all the rooftop climbing I could do in this area... The door on Gregg and Angus' apartment building wasn't open :( at least I had already met the musicians in the tunnel.

I called in to Angus at Video Outpost "Too" but he wasn't there! No one was at the counter at all...

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