Monday 29 April 2019

229 night in the woods - lost constellation

Dear Readers,

Now to play the second Longest Night supplemental game. Again, there's a nice little introduction commentary on it being developed in the last 5 weeks of 2014 before it starts.

Oh gosh, this one has its own title screen and save file. Must be quite a bit longer than the other one! The font of the title screen is lovely with the join-the-dots constellation and the little Mae head with NITW underneath.

The first thing that pops up is two talking heads like in Game Boy Advance games when characters are talking to each other. The heads are granddad's and mine! This is awesome :)

I said I'm gonna rob the bank! Granddad laughed and asked if I wanted to spend Longest Night in jail? His dialogue text was all grey :) I said I was gonna rob 'em to death! They'll never catch me! Granddad said there would be time enough when I'm older for felonies and jail. I asked what a felony was and granddad said it was a bad thing they put you in jail for. I said not if they don't catch me!

Granddad then said ok, how about a story before bedtime? I said a Longest Night story! and he said sure! I insisted that it wouldn't be a dumb one like Charity Bearity. This made me laugh :)

Granddad said how about a ghost story? I was like oooooooh yeah. He said alright then and I butted in, saying I hoped lots of people died in it! He then said quiet, kid. I'm starting over here :P He started, saying long ago, in the hills...

The scene shifted. There was an icon of someone walking on the loading screen and it was them, standing in the snow at night and I was playing as them! I said it was far from home here, alright. I could've just gone back but... no. It had been a year and I made a promise. I told myself to get a hold of myself. I was not gonna die in there tonight. I was gonna see her again and come back with a star.

As this character I could walk and jump. I walked to the right, show falling, sky dark and purple... until I came across some weird red things in the air, between some trees. Here I saw instructions for making a snowball, pressing DOWN and Y. I was able to make 10 at a time and throw them in any direction. I threw them at what I now know were these red bells. There were 8 of them and they each lit up and made some chimes when I hit all of them.

I gathered more snowballs and moved on. I came to a bridge and saw a cat sitting up on a tree branch. I called out to it and asked it if it lived in this forest. The cat said near enough. I asked it if I could ask it a question and the cat just abruptly said I was going to die in there tonight. I said wow, that was unhelpful. It said is it?

I asked the cat "Where are you going tonight?". The cat said it was visiting its relations, but first it was gonna go to church. I said that sounded like your standard Longest Night. It said before church it would hunt up a vole and eat it. It said before that, it was going to watch me walk into the woods to die. Also, before that, we were going to say goodbye.

I asked it if it was so sure and it just made a purring sound. I said well goodbye! and it laughed. I asked what was it... before it said goodbye. Speaking to the cat more just made it purr.

I tried throwing snowballs at the cat but they just went through it. I tried going anywhere else but right but had no option, so I just went right. I did manage to skid in the snow though, not sure how I managed that!

The music is okay but it does suffer from the DVD menu syndrome where it has a seam when it replays for another loop.

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