Wednesday 10 April 2019

210 night in the woods - promising mom i'd be home tonight

Dear Readers,

When I came down the stairs, mom called to me and said she was back in the kitchen if I wanted to talk. Absolutely :)

We said hey to one another and she asked me how I was feeling. I hopped up on the counter and said I was well enough to jump up here! :)

She asked me a favour, which was to stay home tonight. I said "Sure, mom.". She said I was an adult and that I could do whatever I wanted, but I did live here and I was, still, her baby. :) I was like aw mom :) She then said we needed to come up with some ground rules, just because. She said I could've died the other night and then I just left to hang out with my friends?? The gravity of this did hit me. I told her I was so sorry. She asked me what was going on with me and I said "I've had a really tough year, mom". She said I've had a tough *week*, we all had. I said yeah but... and then she asked me what happened at school. She didn't care what it was, she just pleaded with me to tell her. I thought for a moment and asked her if she was working today. She said she wasn't, that she and dad were both off today. I then said I'd be around that night and that we could talk about it then. She said sure, that we could make breakfast for dinner like we used to :) I said dad could flip the pancakes in the air and she laughed, saying sure. :) We then paused for a moment, smiling at each another. Aw :)

She asked me if I was going out today and I said yeah. She asked if I could please stay in town, close and I said yeah. She said they were getting some of the Longest Night decorations out and I was like wow! They were calling for some snow too!

I said that went fast. She asked what did? and I said the autumn. She said it always does. Not for me playing the game :) I made this game last since September, so my game's autumn lasted well past winter and into the following spring! I loved it.

I hopped off the counter and said I was off. She said she loved me and I said I loved her too.

I stayed for a bit and chatted some more, about her book. I asked her if she was still reading the same one and she said it was a different one. This particular one was all about the people who died in the mines around here! Wow! She said it was very interesting and had some old songs. She asked if I wanted to hear one and I said "Sure".

She recited: "Far from here the ocean's roarin'; far away across the din; I hear the Lord a-call their children; bringing in, bringing in; I'll see you walking through the barley; we'll find each other, friend and kin; I hear the Lord a-call their children; Bring em in, bring em in. Tarry with me for a moment; talk the places we have been; the Lord will call us both to heaven; bring em in, bring em in."

I said that was nice and she said it was. It was nice indeed.

Chatting with mom again made her hum a happy mom hum :) I went outside.

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