Sunday 7 April 2019

207 night in the woods - typing and gushing love for my friends

Dear Readers,

Some time later I logged on to my computer and said hey to everyone, asking if they were online. When no one responded, I decided to type anyway...

Hopeful, meaningful music started playing as I typed. I said it was hard for me to say anything smart about what the heck even just happened and it was easier for me to get it all out here and I needed to talk, even if they were being jerks and off doing whatever.

The scene shifted to Gregg and Angus' apartment. Angus was sitting on the couch and Gregg was sitting at his feet, playing video games. It was dark outside. I typed that I didn't even understand life, that I think you get taught that you have a lot more control of the world than you actually do. I just walked into all this horrible stuff that was already happening. We all did. And I guessed that was really scary? Like, who knows what's gonna happen? But I guess you can connect things or connect to things. Sometimes you needed someone to be the thing you don't have, even if it was something you're supposed to already have. I said all of them were what kept me from floating off tonight. Also, they kinda killed that guy to save me. I said not to think that I didn't appreciate that. I ended that part with an L O L.

The scene then shifted to what I assume was Bea's apartment. I was never there on this run of the game but I assume its her place. She was standing there in her kitchen.

I continued typing, asking myself if I was ever going to have a handle on what just happened? I kinda hoped not. I just hoped it was over. I wanted us all to get free of it. I didn't want us to just be part of some horrible story. I said I wanted to grow giant and pick them all up and carry them someplace safe. I said sorry for rambling, but I just had to believe there were ways to escape. Or at least move on.

The scene shifted to Germ! In the middle of the freaking car park in the middle of the night, under a flickering streetlight! He wasn't online but I addressed him anyway in my typing, saying Germ, buddy. He didn't even use messenger so I guess I was just typing at him wherever he was at. I said he was like the most stuck here of anyone I had met, but he was the least trapped. I said that was some beautiful stuff, dude.

The scene shifted back to my computer and the music stopped. I typed that I think I pretty much loved Gregg more than anyone ever. I didn't know if better friends existed. We were like old shoes that go together. I said sorry for causing drama between him and Angus. I said to Angus that I was giving him Gregg. As a gift. I said to remember to water and feed him. I said if he ever hurt him I would kick his butt into the ground. He was mine first.

I said that was it and I was then just gonna erase all that.

Then I said oh crap...and haha guys I was just kidding about a lot of that :P I said I was really tired and didn't know what I was saying. I told myself to log off... Log offff...

And so I did. Finally managing to go to sleep afterwards. I loved this gushy lovey love letter to my friends :) Also I wonder if some of it is different depending on who I spend time with? This game is written just beautifully...

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