Monday 8 April 2019

208 night in the woods - messages back from my friends!

Dear Readers,

I woke up in my own bed, refreshed and ready and able to run and jump around again like before!

In my journal I sketched out two full pages. On the left page I sketched out shapes. Shapes that made up a rough outline of myself possibly. One of them was just my head, the second was of me standing and the third one was of me, bug-eyed and freaked out about a bunch of other shapes around. On the right page I made a massive, intensely black blob. At the very centre of this blob was a small white circle, with a silhouette of me inside. Or at least, I think it's me. Shapes and other stuff that was happening to me.

I logged on to my computer. There were messages from everybody :)

Bea said hey and asked if I was ok this morning. She said she wasn't opening the Pickaxe today. She added that Gregg informed her that we were doing band practice though. :) She said she'll see me there. She said nothing about the letter I wrote though?

Gregg said hey man. He said I wrote nice messages last night and he meant like... really and called me a massive dork LOL. :) Then he said there was band practice today because he felt like we needed to do something normal. He then said he was at the Snalcon and hoped I was feeling ok, singing off with sincerely, Greggory. Yay! He read it :) I'm so glad!

Angus had an away message that said that it was good to be alive this morning and that was all. Good message but... what about the messages I wrote? At least Gregg read them I guess.

I clicked on the purple turnip of bad news. It was a weather headline, saying snow was in the forecast and asked if I was ready for what was coming my way.

I clicked on Sharkle quite a few times :) I missed him and that letter I wrote is for him too!

On leaving my room a title showed up: "Epilogue: Stars". Almost at the end...

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