Wednesday 17 April 2019

217 night in the woods - what became of the telezoft refugee

Dear Readers,

I passed by the Telezoft building and the workers were outside, including the one that had left!

The one who had left said they were gonna split part time for Ham Panther. The others asked them how could they not have the hours as they were a huge store. The worker said they didn't know, that the schedule was hooked up to some kind of mainframe that spat out an optimal schedule and the manager couldn't do anything about it. The others said you couldn't argue with a computer and a computer didn't play favourites...

They asked the worker if Nancy gave them heck. They said nah, but she did laugh and they themself laughed too. The others asked if they were still gonna do that movie and they said yeah, and they'll find a night they're all off. One said they were off Tuesdays, another said they were off Sundays and the worker said Thursday was their only night off... One of the others then wondered if they could put in a request...

The poor worker didn't have a happy ending after all :( Also, they couldn't hang out with their friends either! I was thinking about them and was hoping the best when they made their getaway plan, but it wasn't turning out so well :(

If only I had another one of those teeth...

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