Sunday 21 April 2019

221 night in the woods - beautiful music in the tunnel!

Dear Readers,

I went down into the tunnel and it was overflowing with music! Saxophone and violin music! Could it be? :)

Once again I had to look up his name, but "Fisherman" Jones was down here again, doing his thing! I listened in on another one of his poems... He recited how this tunnel wasn't a ruin, it was a home for doin'! For the fish that is! He was getting better :) I told him that worked and he told me to please go away!

He's gonna be alright :)

I went further in the tunnel and there they were! Sadie the saxophonist and the violinist! I couldn't speak to them but they were down here together, doing their thing! Yay :)

The teens were here too! I said hey to them and they said yeah? I then said to stay safe, alright? and they said thanks, MOM. They asked if I was their new mom and I said apparently! I said life, man. It goes. One of them said slowly and I said nah man. Then they said they wished those two playing the music would shut the eff up. I yelled hey! back at them, telling them to watch it!

You know, for the longest while I thought Sadie and the violinist were figments of my imagination or ghosts or the musicians from my dreams or something! They very much kept to themselves on the rooftops and in that old building, but now they were down here in public, real enough to be given cheek to by teenagers!

I'm glad that they were real and that they had each other to play with, even though I wasn't able to speak to them anymore.

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