Tuesday 23 April 2019

223 night in the woods - danny's newest and greatest job yet

Dear Readers,

After making a new friend I continued and stopped dead in my tracks in front of where Pastabilities used to be...

I screamed with joy on seeing it was a taco place! I said this was the best thing that happened to this town since "they got rid of all those snakes in the diner!". The owners were religious and called in a preacher from one of the holiness camps up in the hills and he got in there and yelled at the snakes to leave. The next day after he died they just set traps. Nobody knew where they came from or why they moved in. But they were long gone now. Gosh... life moves on huh.

I read a little more and got more excited on seeing that they made deliveries! I said I was gonna eat the eff outta some tacos!

This new place was called TACO BUCK!

I'm not from America myself but I always notice how excited Americans get about tacos! It's fun to see :) I've never had tacos before.

Just a little further was Danny! He was wearing a cap and a sign that said "TACO BUCK NOW HIRING - TACO ARTISANS - DELIVERY DRIVERS - ALL SHIFTS - $8 PER HOUR". He was now working for these new guys!

I had a chat with him, asking him about being a taco dude now? He said he was hired to be a taco artisan, like on the sign, but he guessed that meant holding this sign out in the snow. I said it wasn't really snowing that hard. He said it was snowing, snow in the sky was falling. I asked him how the tacos were here and he said good and that he liked tacos. I said there wasn't one person on god's earth who didn't love tacos. They seem good I suppose! I'd have to try one first :) He had some bad news: that his ex hated tacos. I had some good news: they were now his ex! He had a laugh and I said to have fun with the tacos. He said eh, it paid.

Chatting with him again brought out his sales pitch. One part of it was a question about missing the pizza place? Why not try a pizza taco? I said that sounded amazing :) his pitch went on, with the question about looking out for your health? Try an all out lettuce taco! I said no I refuse! He then said get outta here kid I'm workin'!

I left him do his latest job. I couldn't go inside the place! Shucks! Later I guess.

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