Tuesday 16 April 2019

216 night in the woods - pastor kate cleans up

Dear Readers,

I went to the church and hung out in the church library. I didn't take a nap this time.

Mom wasn't here either but it looked like her car was? Or was it Pastor Kate's car? I had no idea. But yeah, no nap so no ghost of granddad coming to visit and sit next to me.

The sanctuary was completely empty too! The church was completely deserted. Couldn't find Pastor Kate so I went outside.

I walked up to the statue. I noted he'd look a lot friendlier when he's covered in snow.

I walked further on and there, in front of Bruce's old campsite, was Pastor Kate! There was no trace of the campsite anymore. We both said hey and I asked what she was doing. She said she was just cleaning up. I asked her how the council vote went and she said we lost. She lost. It was just her pushing for it, really. She said we had all this empty space and we could use it for so many things but... and she stopped with an ellipsis.

I told her she tried. She said it was all we could do and that god would show up when the time is right.

I told her Bruce was my friend. She said Bruce was her friend too. Bruce... :( I hope he got away okay... It seemed like on some level he might've known what was going on... I've always wondered if he knew, ever since he told me about that time he heard those noises out in the woods...

I asked her if she needed some help cleaning this place up and she said that'd be nice of me, telling me there was a rake back in a shed behind the church. I said I couldn't do it right now, but... and she laughed, telling me to run along.

Pastor Kate was a good friend as well. It was lovely chatting with her :)

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