Saturday 6 April 2019

206 night in the woods - thinking about what we did

Dear Readers,

I stood at the well after we all climbed out. Bea, Angus, Gregg, myself, we were all safe now. Germ was here now too!

Calming happy music played. Angus wheezed. Bea said her entire body hurt. Gregg said that was a loooong way. Germ said he brought some sodas! :) Yay Germ! I told him he was the best! He said we needed the sugar and caffeine!!! I LOVE him!

Shortly afterwards I asked if anyone else wanted to get far away from this well? Bea said Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup. I asked Germ if he could possibly seal up this well.

Germ said hmmm and there was a pause.

Germ then said he had dynamite! Bea was like what? and he said yeah, that he could get some. I asked him how big an explosion was that and he said not small? and I said ok that works! Gregg thanked him and Angus did too! Germ was like um ok and bye guys. before walking off to the left. Not into a flight of stairs but... just left.

We watched him leave, just like that. Bea said there goes a weird, weird guy. Gregg said he saved our lives. I said Germ is good. Germ is a good man.

We started walking to the right, away from the well. Bea said it struck her that we just murdered all of those dudes down there. I asked her how she figured that and she said well, the elevator was broken and we caused a cave in. Gregg said that was self-defence. She said I guess, but we did cause the deaths of like a dozen guys. I said no! no! no! They were all still alive down there!

Then there was a pause.

Then I said oh gosh... and Bea said yeah. I said geez.

Gregg then said we were blameless as they attacked us. Bea said one of them attacked us. I then said so we were worrying about... and Bea said it was morally grey! I said we're not murderers! That if we'd had a choice, we wouldn't have done it.

After a brief pause, Angus finally said he would have.

After another pause, Bea said uh... and Angus said what??? They killed people! They were trying to get us to kill people too! Screw 'em! He said he didn't even believe in hell and hoped they all went straight there. Gregg said geez, Angus and Angus said that's what he thought, at least.

I then said this was like that trolley thing. Gregg asked what trolley thing? and Bea said she'd explain it if we kept walking. We walked to the right and out of the woods at last.

I've seen that trolley thing online but never thought much about it. But yeah, that was something to think about for us... For now though, I'm glad we were able to make it out alive and that the weird and wonderful and good guy Germ was here for us too. :)

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