Monday 26 July 2021

10 liberation maiden - 100% purification in stage 1

Dear Readers,

Now that I knew how to get 100% purification on levels, I took on the first stage, this time in Stage Attack mode.

There was still dialogue but at least I could turn the tutorial off this time. To get 100% I hung around and received a sub mission to take out the bridges. I also had to hover around outside the perimeter of the Greater Spike to take out the skyscrapers first. That added a lot to the percentage.

I was close to completing the level without taking damage but I didn't manage it this time. At least I achieved 100% purification in the first level though! Not only is the percentage displayed in the pause menu, Kira also announces it when you achieve it. Loving the voice samples in this game. I also got to listen to the rockin' first stage tune and vocals again, which is always nice!

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