Tuesday 20 July 2021

4 liberation maiden - clearing the smog in nighttime stage 3

Dear Readers,

Now for stage 3. This takes place at sunset and begins with a stealth section! Gives a nice different feel to the overall game.

Getting past undetected was easy enough. There were these surveillance thingies that scanned in circles and I just had to slip past them. I made my way to the centre and destroyed the target there. It was their Walker production base.

A Lesser Spike popped up along with smaller targets that shot at me. I had to destroy them too in this confined space.

When I took them out, the evening turned into night. I had to destroy all the radar station thingies that made up their anti-air sensor net. All while trying to keep from being detected as well by the tall red laser column thingies.

When I destroyed them, up popped another Lesser Spike. I had to take that out too, earning some nice praise from Kira.

Another Lesser Spike popped up in the industrial zone. It was covered in blinding smog so I had to destroy the source of the smog first.

Then up popped a priority mission where there was an enemy missile plant with a roof that makes it stand out. I headed toward this M on the map and took a good beating trying to clear it out but I managed it. After this another Lesser Spike popped up.

I smashed it up and got more praise from Kira. He said the shield around the Greater Spike was now down and I had to go there next. The music changed slightly too which gave a nice feeling of progression.

The Greater Spike and big boss of this level put out this big walker mech thingy that liked to shoot at me and generally get in the way. It also had this big wall attack that closed in on me. On top of that there were these big flying disc thingies it was throwing out at me. It attacked with the usual missiles and lasers too. I just had to keep at it and when the decisive moment came I did another screen scrawling Sacrifice Drive to deal a dramatic defeat.

I like the way it says the gallery has been liberated whenever I unlock something. I checked it out and I still didn't get the one for using the Liberator's blade. I'm not sure why that is though because I made sure to use it a couple of times...

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