Thursday 15 July 2021

47 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - 100% completion with the frankasaurus card!

Dear Readers,

With all the conversation topics explored and exhausted, all I had left to do was to collect card #14 by obtaining all the Space Monster glims.

I finally consulted a walkthrough and found that you can only win these glims from S-chan, so I challenged her to Monster Cards.

I lost and kept a losing streak for ages and ages. The walkthrough said I could only win glims if I was the boss, which meant I now had to win at least twice in a row.

After many many card battles with S-chan, I eventually won a finale with a lovely 5-nil, obtaining the glim I needed for the Frankasaurus card!

I was absolutely thrilled and cheered at the top of my voice when I completed my Monster Card collection! Then I remembered my errand.

I went to Emily and told her I had forgotten the errand due to collecting Monster Cards. She said she forgot too, so we were even. She thanked me for delivering the laundry and that was the last episode I had to finish! Everything was complete now!

I got some glims and a new conversation topic, that being I collected all the Monster Cards!

Emily said I could taste all her cakes if I had the money to pay for them of course!

Mom, Dad and S-chan all congratulated me. The other kids were amazed too but Nanafushi accused me of cheating. Whatever.

A-Plus changed the topic and I didn't know how to get the Monster Card complete topic again so I reloaded the save I made just before I talked to him. Gotta be careful...

Ramen's dad said the same as Emily, but he offered a discount!

Akebi's dad said he was sure the people who wrote the text and drew the art were happy too!

I took a look at the Frankasaurus card. Very cool picture of him in plate mail and it gives an extra hint in battles. Quite nice, though I won't be doing much more battling.

Billboard was impressed enough to want my autograph!

Megami-chan said to look out for season two!

The police officer said I must've went through quite a bit to get them all. I sure did!

Frank asked what a Monster Card was and if it was a better way to store monsters than in those little round capsules. Nice Pokémon reference :)

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