Thursday 22 July 2021

6 liberation maiden - pursuit of the guardian spirit and ending

Dear Readers,

The giant bird thing that emerged from stage 4's boss became the objective for stage 5. It was called the Guardian Spirit and it was in a rage. My mission was to pursue it.

I chased after the Guardian Sprit, dodging and shooting at the pink ball things it was emitting behind it.

When I caught up, Kira told me about volcanic activity taking place on Mount Fuji, which had been dormant for years. He said that must be where it was heading. I asked why and he said it was a kind of nest for the creature and the Energy Veins had a central hub there. It was believed the creature was heading home after sustaining injury.

I chased it to Mount Fuji where I had to fight it. Kira said it destroyed part of Sagami Bay. The music came in with lyrics, getting even more dramatic. The Guardian Spirit had these 5 circles on its body when it faced me to attack. Kira said it was impaled with several conduit spikes so I had to aim for those. He added sadly that we may not be able to save it from itself.

The Guardian Spirit attacked with these pulsating waves and I had to weave between the beams coming at me. It also put up these obstructive shields I had to take out constantly.

I got my first game over here! Screen went all white and I fell upside-down from my mech. 

I had 9 credits so I continued. The game resumed as if I hadn't lost any progress! I continued the fight against the Guardian Spirit and eventually took out all the target spikes on its body, beating the game. Woo!

What followed was an anime cutscene where the Guardian Spirit turned into energy and blasted out waves across the country, spawning a huge tree and turning everything else into lush greenery. I had a moment with Kira where we admired all the beauty of what was our country once again.

Suddenly, the enemy country showed up in a huge aircraft. I made a dramatic and heartfelt anime vow dedicated to my father and my country, pulled out my sword and readied myself for battle!

Then the credits rolled. Nice cliffhanger ending :)

I had a look and it turns out SUDA51 wrote the lyrics for the songs! The vocalist is someone named "marina". I looked her up and her full name came up as Marina Nakamura. After the credits, some stuff unlocked in the gallery but not everything I wanted like the sword one. I don't know what gives. I'll check out the gallery more later.

Will I play the game more though? Hmm... I don't know. I'm not the biggest fan of using the touch screen so much I might damage or mark it. I'll see.

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