Friday 23 July 2021

7 liberation maiden - reviewing the liberator's blade controls to unlock the lore

Dear Readers,

I wanted to look at all the world history lore in the gallery, but the fourth part was locked with the condition of using the Liberator's blade. I used this move several times but maybe not in the way the game wanted me to, so I decided to review the controls. I picked normal mode so I could maybe unlock more stuff.

I watched the anime cutscene again where I got on board my mech Kamui the Liberator. I have something to relate to now that I see the usage of shielding and attacking of the Spikes after playing through the game. I think Shoko is a really cool game and anime protagonist! I think she has lots of appeal. I took on Kira's tutorial again so I could get better at this.

I cleared the first stage again. It was pretty fun and the music here is pretty good so it is fun to replay. I managed to achieve the fourth gallery entry condition, but I have no idea what I did different. I just used the sword more than once at targets. I feel like I unlocked it out of luck.

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