Sunday 18 July 2021

2 liberation maiden - stage 2, destroying ships and submarines

Dear Readers,

I went straight on to stage 2, which told of another target on another island. Kira said there was another weapon waiting for me.

This weapon was like some kind of laser thing I could toggle between that and the missiles, again I had to use the touch screen for it.

I had to deal with a Lesser Spike that was hidden so I had to take out surrounding targets before it was revealed, so I could then destroy that.

Next I had some ships to destroy. When I got them, another Lesser Spike showed up so I had to fly around and destroy that, all while deflecting incoming missiles.

Next up was a similar story, except I had to destroy submarines before that Lesser Spike showed up.

By the way I like when the news headline marquee scrolls announcing whenever I destroy Lesser Spike targets, glorifying my presidential achievements. That's cool :)

Next up was the Greater Spike, which was full of spikes and shot out rings of rocks at me. Some molten, some ordinary. I just kept flying around until I could see the weak spot, then attacked it. Eventually I had to use the Sacrifice Drive again and I still hated using it. I can see marks on my touch screen now :(

Most of the buttons aren't used at all in this game and it annoys me. I like the game and it has nicely produced graphics, music and voice acting, but I just don't want to scrawl the life out of my touch screen.

If I could use buttons to activate the cursor or the Circle Pad Pro or a Wii Remote or something I'd like it a lot more, but scrawling the touch screen is something I've never liked. 

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