Saturday 3 July 2021

35 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - gathering more conversation topics

Dear Readers,

I went to talk to Billboard about Frank but instead my topic was about my U.F.O. card I just obtained! Gah! On top of that he challenged me to Monster Cards!

With my UFO card I was able to see how many of rock, scissors or paper he had. Also I could now see that my UFO card was paper. This allowed me to see what the opponent's one was if I was winning or losing.

When I beat Billboard, I still had the Frank topic thank goodness. He said Frank liked ramen more than sausage anyway. He then talked about his art on the bridge, which was of the glims. This changed the topic to glims. I wondered what they were and he said they were weird and some of them even had batteries. I'm just thankful I'm not paying for them like with real life trading cards!

I talked to Frank about glims and he was about to tell me what they were but stopped himself in case he'd get in trouble for disclosing secret tech.

I reset the topic to Frank and talked to Mom. She asked if I wanted hot dogs for dinner as I seemed to be interested in sausages. She then said she was talking to Ramen and asked me if it was true that Akebi was changing schools? This was her conversation topic and it changed to that.

I went back to Frank and told him about Akebi's change of school. He asked if she was going to a different planet that Earth controlled before remembering that we didn't do things on that big a scale. Not yet at least.

I talked to Nanafushi about Frank and he said he'd rather talk about himself as the next big thing! That was his conversation topic he changed it to. I went back to Frank to reset it, after having to play Nanafushi in Monster Cards again.

I talked to Ramen about Frank and he had no idea he wasn't named after a sausage. He then changed the topic to it being dangerous to live here with the monsters around. I talked to Frank about this and he said it was because of the hero that it was dangerous. He would say that since he had the Frankasaurus.

I talked to Akebi about Frank and she said it must've been Ramen's noodle brain family that messed up his name. She then made a mistake saying "Somen" instead of "Ramen". This was her change to the conversation topic and I adopted it as my own word mistake! I talked to Frank about this and he was fine with it, as he loved the ginger ramen. I like ginger too, although I didn't always. There's a place I like to go that has chili ginger fried rice. It's so good :) 

With that, I had everybody's conversation topics. It's a pity I can't just pick them from a list and I have to reset the topic every time I want to keep using it and it changes. Oh well!

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