Thursday 29 July 2021

13 liberation maiden - really feeling the hard mode

Dear Readers,

Now to play the hard mode. I'll unlock the stages in the Stage Attack mode under this difficulty. I'll also get more time in and enemies destroyed to unlock other gallery entries.

I really felt this harder difficulty when it came time to take on the boss. Its attacks came at me faster and I had to keep up. I even died twice to it before I was able to defeat it. The hard difficulty also has only 3 credits.

I lost my last credit against the stage 2 boss and got dumped back to the title screen after Kira shouted "Shoko!"

With that I unlocked the submarine entry in the gallery but I had to start from the beginning of stage 2. The boss was hard here as well and it felt like the rocks were harder to break and were coming at me faster. I switched from the missile to the laser weapon and I felt like I got on much better in breaking the rocks and whittling down its health. I eventually beat it and went on to the third level.

I also noticed that some enemy missiles are more resilient and split into smaller missiles. It takes a while when tangling with them.

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