Saturday 24 July 2021

8 liberation maiden - exploring the world history lore in the gallery

Dear Readers,

I decided to check out the world history entries in the gallery to explore the lore in more detail.

[1] World History 1: Has an image of Shoko in uniform, with her long flowing hair and shiny round behind. The text explains what happened and how New Japan came about with the role of President.

[2] World History 2: Has an image of a logo. I assume it's of New Japan's flag since it has that red circle, which is accompanied by a minimalist bird-like image, probably the Guardian Spirit. I'm not 100% sure as I haven't paid that much attention to logos. A very brief account of the environmental crisis as a result of the enemy takeover is here and it says that New Japan raised these Guardian Spirits for the environment's benefit. This makes it more probable that this is New Japan's flag, or at least the logo of a government agency.

[3] World History 3: This has the flag of the Dominion, the warmongering enemy nation in the game. It speaks of "The Chairman" and his ambitions to wage war against the entire world. The text goes a bit fast, but it briefly summarises how this Dominion is structured and how it handles its affairs to stay in power without going into too much detail.

[4] World History 4: This has a picture of the Conduit Spikes, the lesser ones on the left and right, the greater one in the centre. It tells how the Dominion created and planted them in order to annex the Guardian Spirits, draining them of their power and forcing Japan into ruin.

[5] World History 5: This has an image of the spikes along with these vein-like energy trails along the ground. It talks about Dominion weaponry, how it was lacking in air force technology and aesthetics, instead having a focus on destructive power. New Japan was able to develop the Liberator and the Battleship Nagata whereas Dominion was only able to develop destructive laser weaponry and non-airborne forces. New Japan was better at harnessing spiritual energy.

[6] World History 6: The image is of the Guardian Spirit in the game with stormy clouds below. It has a Dominion Spike driven into its body. This was all about the Guardian Spirits and how Japan thrived harmoniously on their spiritual energy, which was now being sapped by the Dominion in favour of destructive power.

I think I have a better handle on the lore now. It was presented in a very roller coaster way throughout the game's cutscenes, ending in the dramatic reveal of the Guardian Spirit. I now know the purification scoring is how much of the leeching enemy you destroy before the land is restored back to normal.

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