Friday 30 July 2021

14 liberation maiden - no credits left on stage 3 of hard setting

Dear Readers,

I continued the hard mode in the story from stage 3.

I had two really big long attempts at stage 3, trying to get 100% and everything on it, but I just kept getting destroyed by the boss. I didn't have any credits left so I wasn't able to continue either. I had to start the stage from the very start again.

What took me so long was trying to find those elusive purple tinted buildings because they're sometimes not centred around the Lesser or Greater Spikes. Walkers kept appearing and coming back to life too and it's almost impossible to target them without getting hit.

My first attempt was with missiles and my second was with the laser. It seems to work quickly enough but doesn't have the benefit of target lock on.

Also the sub mission was to defeat 10 walkers, which is different from the normal mode where it's to destroy a certain big clump of buildings near the walkers.

The purple buildings I keep missing then are usually around the bottom of the map between two of the targets.

At the end of these two attempts my hands were numb and exhausted because of the way I have to control the game. Time to stop for today!

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