Monday 19 July 2021

3 liberation maiden - checking out the unlockables

Dear Readers,

I hung out on the menus for a little while after booting up the game. The music gives it the feeling of being in a cathedral. The button icons look like the linework on a stained glass window. It makes the menu feel like something to cherish. Some stuff unlocked like Stage Attack, which had scores for each stage on the different difficulties I had unlocked so far.

Some entries in the gallery unlocked as well so I had a look. It was mostly lore and there was the introduction anime cutscene as well. I'll read them in more detail later.

The first one talks about how the president got to be the one to carry out the missions and how the world got to this point. I think this is pretty cool. I'll read more later. Nice 3D effect where the text pops from the art too.

The other entries in the gallery tell you how to unlock them. They are unlocked by beating levels, playing the game for certain lengths of time and defeating so many hundreds of smaller targets. Some other ones like getting so many chains, getting 100% purification in stages and playing the harder modes a certain number of times. A lot makes you focus on repeat play and playing certain ways. It's good to get an awareness of this now.

For my first playthrough I'll just beat the main 5 stages with their cutscenes and all.

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