Friday 31 March 2017

3 terraria - giant eyeball boss, online multiplayer with mop it up and jason

Dear Readers,

After a good start, Mop it up and I continued our adventures in NinTerraria world. At one stage, Jason came along to join in too. Here's how our play session went.

Thursday 30 March 2017

2 terraria - starting a new online multiplayer world with mop it up

Dear Readers,

About time I started this game properly beyond the tutorial! Mop it up and I played together online.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

1 pac-mania - why i love this 765 game

Dear Readers,

Pac-Mania is probably my most favourite Pac-Man game ever! I don't have 765 reasons off the top of my head explaining why, so I'll just talk about a few reasons.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

3 altered beast - round 3, the bear jumps like sonic!

Dear Readers,

Now to round 3. It's another depth lower than the last round and has midsection platforms, stalactites and stalagmites.

Monday 27 March 2017

2 altered beast - round 2, eyeball plant thing

Dear Readers,

I eventually made it to this stage. Underground cave with purple blobs, big rattlesnake dragon things and that stubby beaky thing from Golden Axe.

Sunday 26 March 2017

2 splatoon 2 - second global testfire slot and the charger's new feature

Dear Readers,

I jumped into the second slot of the global testfire, which took place between 3am and 4am GMT on Saturday. I used the charger weapon this time, using the gyro sensor to aim. Here's how I got on...

Saturday 25 March 2017

1 splatoon 2 - my time with the first global testfire

Dear Readers,

It's Global Testfire weekend! I decided to jump in and try the first session that took place between 7pm and 8pm GMT Friday. Here's how I got on...

Before I got into any match, the game gave me a tutorial. The B button is now the jump button instead of X, which is now the map button. This caught me out quite a lot but I'm sure I can get used to it. It's also kinda weird how the camera control descriptions were labelled "inverted" when they were normal. It's nice to have the option to change though! I also used the Splattershot for this hour long session.

Now for the matches:

Match 1:
Won 58.6 to 25.8

Began playing on the Reef stage. Just messing around laying ink on everything. Splatted one guy. Nice winning start :)

Match 2:
Lost 27.3 to 56.8

First loss! Oh well. Got a load of the new special abilities, including the missiles where I can aim at the others from a distance. They're nice enough and I got many splats out of it.

Match 3:
Lost 31.2 to 59.9

Musselforge Fitness arena this time. This place has the feel of a large indoor shed or something. I got splatted through the wall because of someone using the powerful stingray weapon. Pretty dangerous stuff.

Match 4:
Won 56.6 to 35.3

Finally winning again! I still can't get used to pressing B instead of X to jump but I will. Also, there's a shortcut to do a super jump where you hold the D-Pad and press A. I can't suss it yet.

Match 5:
Won 55.4 to 36.6

I got ambushed by the other team but it didn't stop our team from winning! In the Global Testfire a random gender and skin tone is chosen for you for each map and no fancy equipment, making the experience pure. Competitive games can be the nicest in the first few months :)

Match 6:
Won 69.7 to 18.6

We absolutely trashed them this time! Very satisfying to ambush and splat many members of their team too! Woo!

Match 7:
Won 55.0 to 36.4

I got splatted by that missile launcher special for the first time. Didn't stop us from winning again though! I also did a bit of that taunt-y jump when you splat someone. :P

Match 8:
Won 58.5 to 32.3

I splatted them a lot during this round and didn't get splatted once. No laggy splats either, which always knocked my confidence during close quarters combat in the first game.

Match 9:
Lost 24.0 to 53.5

Back to the Reef stage. I splatted loads of people, only got splatted once. Lost badly enough and someone dropped out on our team.

Match 10:
Lost 32.6 to 46.9

Didn't get far at all in this one. They were quite good at keeping territory.

Match 11:
Won 46.2 to 45.6

Very close match! Back at the Fitness arena too. Had an awesome time here and splatted them many many times, two of them in the last few seconds, which was pretty satisfying!

Match 12:
Lost 40.5 to 43.1

Another very close match! I had some very narrow misses. Especially at one point where one of them had the jetpack spray special going on and were firing heavy shots past my head.

Match 13:
Lost 39.1 to 45.1

I got splatted 3 times, including once by missiles. They didn't get away with it though! Didn't stop us from losing however.

Match 14:
Lost 42.6 to 46.6

I did pretty well with the splatting. I got them many times but our team still lost.

Won 7, lost 7!

The Global Testfire session lasted until about 8:15pm after all. Glad I was able to have as much fun as I could and even beyond the scheduled hour :)

After playing non-stop for an hour, my Switch battery was down to 40% from a full charge. Gonna have to charge if I want to play again during the weekend...

Friday 24 March 2017

1 altered beast - rising from my grave, round 1

Dear Readers,

I always had trouble imagining who would be nostalgic for Altered Beast. It must be the power of it being a launch game, as well as a pack-in game for the SEGA Mega Drive. Either way, it's always coming up in SEGA rereleases and the 3D Classics Collection is no different. Let's actually sit down and play it!

Thursday 23 March 2017

2 maze walker - beat the game!

Dear Readers,

I played another good long session of this game and I reached the end! I had to use the Helper Mode though, which gave me much needed 30 lives to start with!

Tuesday 21 March 2017

1 maze walker - plodding along in 3d

Dear Readers,

One of the big draws for me to buying SEGA 3D Classics Collection was the inclusion of this Master System game, which originally had an option to be played while wearing 3D glasses. I was tickled by the fact that they went to the trouble to adapt this for 3DS!

Monday 20 March 2017

1 air hockey - atgames sega handheld is awesome!

Dear Readers,

I recently got one of those AtGames portable SEGA Mega Drive handhelds. It's the Sonic 25th anniversary one with 80 games on it. It's got weird sound but otherwise plays and looks well. In addition to the SEGA games it's got a bunch of arcade games with Tec Toy branding. This is one of them.

Sunday 19 March 2017

1 sonic the hedgehog - half the emeralds

Dear Readers,

Recently I played the whole way through Sonic 1. I haven't done that in years, probably during his 15th anniversary when I beat it for the first time! The version I played is the SEGA 3D Classics Collection for Nintendo 3DS.

Saturday 18 March 2017

12 zelda breath of the wild - second person narrative in the quest subscreen

Dear Readers,

I went back to the Temple Of Time, where the Goddess Statue was now glowing. I thought I'd meet the old man here, but instead I had the option to trade soul orbs for extra hearts or stamina. I decided not to go for either yet.

Friday 17 March 2017

11 zelda breath of the wild - stopping objects in time

Dear Readers,

I went into the last shrine on the continent and was given a really interesting app for my Sheikah Slate. It enables me to freeze an object in time!

Thursday 16 March 2017

10 zelda breath of the wild - coming down from mount hylia

Dear Readers,

On my descent from Mount Hylia, I came across a tougher teal Bokoblin that was all alone and guarding a treasure chest. I hadn't seen anything like this yet so I had to check it out.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Tuesday 14 March 2017

8 zelda breath of the wild - making spicy food for the cold weather

Dear Readers,

I cooked up lots of dishes using the chilies I pilfered from the Bokoblin farm. Good thing I caught lots of fish and picked up loads of apples earlier!

Monday 13 March 2017

7 zelda breath of the wild - stealing chili peppers from bokoblins

Dear Readers,

I continued up the mountain path until snowy heights were approaching. I happened on a tower like the one I couldn't climb last time because it was too tall for my stamina levels. However this one looked scaleable, so I climbed right up there! On top was a chest of arrows and there was a Bokoblin camp in view. I knew what the game wanted me to do!

Sunday 12 March 2017

Saturday 11 March 2017

5 zelda breath of the wild - my first death and game over

Dear Readers,

On the trek I took through the forest, gathering lots of stuff like mushrooms, apples and even some honey, I came across a nice little meadow which had lots of mushrooms. While picking some, a big pile of rocks came to life and its name appeared along with a life bar! A boss!

Friday 10 March 2017

4 zelda breath of the wild - invading bokoblin camps

Dear Readers,

Now for the third shrine. I decided to warp to the first shrine and then continued onwards into the forest on my path towards the next one. It was here I came across many Bokoblin camps.

Thursday 9 March 2017

3 zelda breath of the wild - the first live guardians i meet

Dear Readers,

Before I left the tower to head for the ruins, I noticed a big thing moving slowly in the sky. Some kind of airship? I'll probably find out later.

When I got to the ruins, one of those mechanical tentacled wrecks I've been seeing all over the place came alive!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

2 zelda breath of the wild - more qr codes and puzzle shrines

Dear Readers,

I climbed down from the tower that sprouted from underneath me and heard a familiar voice. The old man from before flew in on his sweet paraglider.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

1 zelda breath of the wild - opening my eyes

Dear Readers,

It's time to play the game of the moment! I am Link in a brand new adventure in a big big world. A woman's voice said to open my eyes so I did. I found myself in a Shrine Of Resurrection. Soon I'm using something called a Sheikah Slate to interact with weird looking QR codes. Technology must've changed a lot in the past 100 years!

Monday 6 March 2017

1 super bomberman r - thank you konami for including a 1 player mode!

Dear Readers,

Here it is! My first Switch game! Bomberman's been gone a long time... he must've heard a rumour there was a new console generation beginning!

Sunday 5 March 2017

24 epic dumpster bear - 2-6 nothing icy about this castle

Dear Readers,

Level 2-6 is titled Icy Castle and is the castle stage for this world. Kinda weird how it's snow everywhere except for here, which has lava everywhere. Snow is still in the background though.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Friday 3 March 2017

22 epic dumpster bear - 2-Y tricky wall jumping

Dear Readers,

2-Y is called Super Snow Movers. I got here by finding the secret exit during regular Snow Movers aka level 2-5.

Thursday 2 March 2017

21 epic dumpster bear - 2-5 spiked balls into wolves faces

Dear Readers,

Level 2-5 is titled Snow Movers. lots of spiked balls in this stage. I like the way they can kill wolves :)

Wednesday 1 March 2017